Goodhart’s (Covid-19) Law

Just when you thought it wasn’t possible for the UK Government’s Covid-19 strategy to get any worse, you wake up to find they’re considering giving £500 to anyone that tests positive. And it’s not even April Fool’s Day.

Then you think, well, maybe this time there is a cunning plan. Just because something is counter-intuitive, doesn’t necessarily mean it is dumb.

Then you think, okay, let’s draw a Perception Map to see what it has to say on the matter.

Here’s what it looks like:

Then you look at it. And see, yup, the idea is really dumb. Some counter-intuitive ideas turn out to be brilliant. Just not this one.

Still, out of stupidity comes opportunity. Anyone thinking of setting up an app to facilitate trading of positive-tests, I’m ready and willing to invest.